Chrome'da ''Ak.Hetapugs'' Uzantılı Reklam Sitesinin Sürekli Açılması Hk.


Arkadaşlar Chrome'u defalarca arta kalan dosyaları da dahil olmak üzere Iobit Uninstaller üzerinden birkaç defa kaldırsam da '''' linkli reklam sürekli çıkıyor, ve ben bu durumdan kurtulamadım araştırdığımda da, bunun formatla çözülebileceği ile karşılaştım, Reddit'te ise iki çözümle karşılaştım ama bu iki çözümü de uygulayamadım.

''It was actually quite easy. But damn tricky to discover. Since there was no .exe or .bat file downloaded. I checked my startup apps from task manager. And there was an expandable cmd process starting with around 28 google chrome subprocesses. When I disabled the startup for that process I noticed that chrome stopped automatically starting. I was still annoyed because I thought that there's a hidden file somewhere I couldn't find. A friend of mine suggested to check the task scheduler application And there was a task that has the name of my windows username and it says I'm the author and I definitely didn't create it.

It starts a program and the parameters are something in that category

Cmd.exe/c REG ADD HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /f /v (username) /t REG_SZ /d "cmd.exe /c start www . exinariuminix . info"

I went to the registry editor and followed yhe same path "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"

There were a registery entry with my username and the data string was Cmd.exe /c start the same website above

I deleted the task from "Task Scheduler" and then deleted the registry entry. And it's been solved for over a month now.

I hope this helps. If you need any further help don't hesitate to hit me up.''



Work through that and reboot after all steps are done. After that, follow the "Chrome Malware" section below should the same happen.

If it keeps happening, check the "startup" section in chrome settings.''


lucas77 lucas77 (199)
1 yıl önce sordu

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    Ccleaner yükleyerek basitçe çözebilirsiniz. CCleaner yükledikten sonra araçlar kısmına girip başlatma seçeneğinin altında windows'un içinde bir de üstte zamanlanmış görevlerin içinden silin veya devre dışı bırakın sorununuz çözülür.

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